Advanced NFC Management: How to Maximize the Potential of the Vonde App


Using NFC technology offers convenience not only for everyday users but also for advanced users who seek deeper control and insight. With the Vonde App, you can do much more than simple data writing and reading; you can explore the full potential of NFC device management. Discover how you can make the most of the app if you consider yourself a pro!


Identifying Memory and Device Type:

The Vonde App allows you to gather detailed information about your NFC devices, including their memory size and type. This feature is especially useful when managing multiple devices, providing you with precise data on their capacity and compatibility.


Deleting and Locking Devices:

For advanced users, NFC device management goes far beyond basic reading and writing. With the Vonde App, you have the capability to delete or even lock devices, ensuring data security and proper handling of your NFC equipment.


Writing Custom Data:

While many apps can handle basic NFC tasks, the Vonde App gives you complete freedom to write custom data to NFC devices. Whether you need to store URLs, contact information, or more complex data, the app’s flexibility ensures it meets all your needs.


Want to fully utilize your NFC devices? Try the Vonde App and take your NFC technology usage to the next level!